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Search results

  1. Sandstone-Shadow

    Eifie vs. Sandstone Shadow

    Oh-HO! So what happens to that title if I defeat you in battle, here in TCoD ASB year of 2019?! Pertina, let's GO! The apprentice must prove their worth and surpass their mentor!!
  2. Sandstone-Shadow

    Eifie vs. Sandstone Shadow

    Oh crap. My command is supposed to read "Dragon PULSE," not Dragon Dance. RIP. Hopefully that came across in the flavor haha... otherwise... oops. Eif we are bad at this
  3. Sandstone-Shadow

    Eifie vs. Sandstone Shadow

    Hey Pertina, do you remember how to do this? Cause I don't! Relying on you, my friend! So, Dragon Pulse seemed successful, let's do more of that? And uhh. You're back in the pool, so Swift Swim ought to have taken effect, right? Good. If you can't hit her with Dragon Pulse, use Rain Dance! And...
  4. Sandstone-Shadow

    Eifie vs. Sandstone Shadow

    omg hey commands, I kinda forget how to do this So, Pertina! You seem to be asleep. Let's Sleep Talk for as long as you continue to be asleep. Whenever you wake up, move back to the pool and try to dodge any incoming attacks from Rayfa, but prioritize moving back to the pool. Once you're there...
  5. Sandstone-Shadow

    Eifie vs. Sandstone Shadow

    Alright, Pertina! Looks like luck might be on our side (for now). Let's deal some more damage! Start off with a Rain Dance and follow through with Surf and Water Pulse. If she uses Sunny Day before any of your actions, switch to Dragon Pulse instead of Surf and Dragon Breath instead of Water...
  6. Sandstone-Shadow

    Eifie vs. Sandstone Shadow

    If you're going to be confined to the center pool, Pertina, then we should be able to take advantage of your Swift Swim, which means you'll definitely be faster! So! She's gonna try and deal some damage - let's do the same. Try a Scald and then a Dragon Breath[/b. If one of those successfully...
  7. Sandstone-Shadow

    Eifie vs. Sandstone Shadow

    Let's go, Pertina! You shall shine! This battle is your rite-of-passage into a Seadra, so make us proud! And, you're battling the referee of your very first battle ever! You've already grown so much!
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